
Originally from California, Courtenay Olivarez now calls Oklahoma home and is very active in the local vegan community. She is the owner of 1 More Bite, a fully vegan company, helped organize the 2024 OKC Vegan Chef Challenge, is co-founder of REV FEST, and is hugely supportive of local animal sanctuaries. An ethical vegan for over a decade, Courtenay's biggest joy comes from feeding delicious vegan goodies to as many people as possible.

After a successful career in the corporate world, Courtenay decided to follow her dream of opening a full-service bakery. When she transitioned to a vegan lifestyle, the bakery transitioned to become fully vegan as well. The menu quickly expanded to include vegan meats, cheeses, and ready to eat meals, along with the full-service bakery.

Courtenay can be found every Saturday at the downtown OKC Farmer's Public Market, along with Brittani, her favorite hooman ever. They love to talk vegan food with anyone who will listen, feed anyone they can, and perform "quality control" by sampling all of each week's goodies.

Courtenay and Brittani bonded over their love of delicious food, loud music, volunteer work, and critters of all kinds. They were saddened by the lack of vegan festivals in the area and one afternoon, most likely fueled by a cupcake induced delirium, they decided to bite off way more than they could chew and REV FEST was born.